Friday, February 15, 2008

Can Internet Ad Revenue Help Buy The Milwaukee Bucks

With the Milwaukee Bucks season all but over, one person is trying to raise money to possibly buy the team. Fans are disgruntled and want change. You can read more at Read more!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Market America and Google

Market America, in an attempt to complete it's ultimate shopping experience, has partnered with Google. With more than 2,000 partners and 30,000,000 (yes million) products, Market America needed to find the right partner to bring it all together. Up to the plate steps Google. You can read the press release here.

The idea behind the ulitmate shopping experience is for you, the consumer, to be able to shop at all your favorite stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, Sears, Wal-Mart, Target, etc., and pay for them just one time. That's right. Imgine walking into a mall and only having to check out once, when you are done shopping at all your favorite stores. Market America, along with Google, are going to make that a reality. Read more!