I really get a kick out of this guy. He is so believable. But I decided to do a little (~15 minutes worth) of digging. Man, the dirt on him is incredible. Turns out this guy sells his books, then charges people a monthly fee for his website. Even if they don't want it. Nice!
I wanted to find some people who read his recent book "The Weight Loss Cure" and found out this is what he is advocating.
On the TV ad, Mr. Trudeau says that it is a simple thing to do. He claims that you will lose at least 30 pounds in 30 days. He claims that after you lose the weight, you can go back to eating WHATEVER you want, and never gain the weight back.
60 strongly advised recommendations you have to do, among them are:
15 colonics from a licensed colon therapist.
I have talked to someone who gets colonics and she said it is $150 per colonic.
3 or 4 Thai massages in a week.
Avoiding florescent light
He claims he did this without exercise, then he recommends walking daily for one hour out doors.
Eating everything ORGANIC.
Avoid air conditioners, and ice cold beverages.
HCG (human chorionic gonadatrophin).
A growth hormone extracted from the urine of pregnant women.
It is NOT FDA approved.
And that is just some of it. Are you kidding me?
You can read more about it here:
Or add you own comments. Thankfully, a lot less people should be wasting their money these days because of the internet.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Kevin Trudeau - Scam Artist
Posted by
Epic Business Solutions
4:28 PM
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I AM ONE WHO HAS READ HIS BOOK(S).Six times --and will read it once a year for many to come.I am impressed with his simple and understandable writing.I have done a tremendous amount of research (more than 15 minutes) and I have found ALL the information out there by other reputable authors.Besides the huge conglomeration of acurate information by alternate sources, our own court,highest in the land has said the book is true--all of it.The court manuscript is there for all UNBIASED and truthseeking individuals.Kevin shows you that himself.Now--if YOU choose Chemotherapy for your remedy--ok.
If you choose to go with the current statis Quo-ok.
The issue is clear for unblinded eyes.
There is now a clinic in one state who offers the rare hcg treatment,more will follow. When reading the material--one needs to keep in mind--Mr. Trudeau is revealing secrets "They" don't want you to know,as a result good things are happening--including the FACT that three congressmen have recently gone to jail alongside Jack Abramoff as a result of this whistleblower.More will follow.
Now--do you want to stay obese all your short life--or do you want to begin some of the things that you can begin to do to get well? I have began to see awesome results as a result of the book--natural cures "They" don't want you to know.Perhaps you are one making the money Kevin speaks of.
What makes him a scam artist is that he takes people's money by signing them up for the website and newsletter which they never agreed to. Then, when the people try to get their money back, no customer service reps are avaialable or the phone number is incorrect.
Glad to hear you believe Kevin Trudeau's "Placebos they don't want you to know about." Have you read his book about improving you memory or the one about getting out of debt, you know, all the things that the bankers don't want you to know about? It comes with a whole bunch of absolutely free reports. He must know a lot about the subject since his court cases for credit card fraud.
By the way, I do not work for a pharmaceutical company or a bank.
You're exactly the kind of person who Kevin Trudeau wants watching his infomercials: Someone who's gullible, impressionable, has money to spend on nothing important. YOU are the reason these scam artists like Trudeau can keep operating.
Kevin Trudeau is a fucking scam artist and a great bullshitter. He the greatest bullshitter of all time and he's good at dropping loads of shit!
A sucker born every minute they say. Trudeau is a huckster and a fraud who's spent time in prison for ripping people off in the past. Now he claims he's being censored by the FTC. Pfffft - if not being allowed to lie to the general public on public airwaves is censorship then slap my ass and call me Betty. Down with snake oil salesmen.
if this is the same kevin trudeau that had the memory course years ago....well that was no scam i used it and it worked wonders!!!!
Lets get something straight, HCG is used to boost the testosterone levels back to normal after a steroid cycle. I've taken HCG numerous times and it is very mild and will not make you lose weight. He states in his program to eat only 500 calories a day and YOU WILL lose weight...well you don't have to be a genius to know that if you only eat 500 calories you will in fact lose weight, yet suckers will buy his book claiming he's got the hidden secret to weight loss. The philosophy behind his system and book is that HCG will retain the muscle while the body burns only fat. Sorry to break it to you, but HCG is very mild and you'd be better off getting on a cycle of winstrol, masteron, trenbolone ect. to retain the muscle. Believe me I am competitive bodybuilder and have taken HCG after every cycle and it's not what it's hyped up to be. It also converts to estrogen in the body because of the raised testosterone levels so you will actually add more fat unless you're taking an anti-estrogen along with it like nolvadex, clomid ect.
EDWARD, intelligent people begin to glaze over your post (and not far in to the first sentence)
Even the feistiest spam-bots fail to command rapt attention from discerning readers.
Q: Do you know the reason KT is even selling *books* to geniuses like you? A: The freedom of speech act. It's literally one of the last things he can sell and advertise to consumers-his soul is no longer available-since he was banned by the US government to sell any more of his incredibly, blatantly, fraudulent products.
I'm sure you will maintain your hearty endorsement with a psychotic conspiracy theory...variations abound. The FTC will be plaintiff and KT's the noble, consumer-advocate heroic defendant.
FREE TIP:!>>>> We find Edward-like-endorsements on every KT book site because of his vast lucre; you can pay people to do just about anything. Except, it seems, behave rationally and in good conscience.
So who says the FDA is always right. The FDA makes so many mistakes and kills people in the process. I took out all his books from my public library and enjoyed them. I knew 90% of his natural cures so how can that be a scam. THe internet is the bathroom wall and everyone is writing just one right after the other. I don't work or have anything to do with Kevin Trudeau but I am into health. And most of his work is accurate. He is a reporter and he states that. So you buy a book from amazon and don't give his website your info if you don't want to be charged and then you won't be "scammed". All you people have no idea. So because the gov't coomplains about him. Obviously he has some great points. Don't you know the pharmaceuticals are in cahoots with the government. It's all about money, money, money. Natural is mostly the way to go. Lots of Alternative MDs and Phds recommend things not approved by the FDA and they work! Good luck!
I have to agree he is scamming people of money. Some of his advice may be good, but I'd say for what you end up paying it is so not worth it.
Edward, I can't help but wonder about all the colonics and days without air conditioning.
I would think some of the abundant stupidity evidenced by your posts would have been sweated or shat out by now ... but you may be so full of it that they had none effect.
Tsk tsk. What a waste.
No pun intended :)
Edward posted:
"I have began to see awesome results as a result of the book--natural cures "They" don't want you to know.Perhaps you are one making the money Kevin speaks of."
Pwned>> The lunatic rantings of a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Your nefarious role model would be proud if he gave a crap about anything besides wicked financial accumulation.
Off you go..... reading brainwashing malarkey for the 7th time.............
I hereby dub you a cult member.
Kevin Tredau is the type who preys on people that are desperate. That will try anything.
I advise you to buy groceries with the money you'd piss away on any of his books.
All the information he has written, or claimed to write. Is all readily available on ftc.gov, however, it's not twisted, lies added not bullshit. What Kevin Tudeau sells.
This guy should be shot, as an enemy combatant. Who would cornhole the desperate?.
Kevin Trudeau would, and laugh while doing it. No wonder why he uses off shore phone centers, so they can use language as a reason for their blatant screwings.
Read the whole book before you judge you dumb asses!!
Natural cures do work, it's what nature intended.
Read your side effects of your prescription drugs, and seriously...shut the fuck up already!
He is obviously full of it because he has books out on all types of subjects. He makes his money selling books, not by being smart in any one field of study. He finds what people are currently interested and throws out a book about it and people buy it up.
Kevin got involved in putting on Poll/Billiard Tournaments. Pool is notoriously boring and no one watches it. To make it hip, KT actually hired models(male and female) to sit in the stands and watch.
He had the TV crew shoot the models every few minutes. I know this because i was at one of his events and saw it happening in front of my eyes and then i talked to one of the models who confirmed it.
The point is he is not beyond hiring people to do positive reviews or have people who work for him in other areas do positive reviews. I KNOW he does this. It is so obvious!
Colonics are $45 each. I know, I have a friend who goes ritually. I went to the same lady. She has specials $200 for 8 - 10 colonic sessions.. They can last from 45 minutes to 60 minutes each. Its nice to know that our over weight is due to us being "full of shit."
wow I couldn't sleep, so I got up and went to the living to watch some TV without waking up my wife. While flipping the channels I see this great infomercial for "FREE MONEY" by Kevin Trudeau and this guy is making his sales pitch on how this book is great and how all the techniques work. How he tried one and got 253 dollars and did another program and got 1500 dollars the he tells the lady that's there with him asking all the questions those who know about the programs apply "I'VE NEVER APPLIED TO ANY OF THOSE PROGRAMS" AND ASKS HER " HAVE YOU APPLIED" TO WICH SH REPLIES NO. Sam Rourk
wow I couldn't sleep, so I got up and went to the living to watch some TV without waking up my wife. While flipping the channels I see this great infomercial for "FREE MONEY" by Kevin Trudeau and this guy is making his sales pitch on how this book is great and how all the techniques work. How he tried one and got 253 dollars and did another program and got 1500 dollars the he tells the lady that's there with him asking all the questions those who know about the programs apply "I'VE NEVER APPLIED TO ANY OF THOSE PROGRAMS" AND ASKS HER " HAVE YOU APPLIED" TO WICH SH REPLIES NO. Sam Rourk
I have actually met the man. Years ago, he created an MLM called "Consumer Express". The products were extremely similar to "Yurika Foods" except they were not so good and poorly packaged. He and three "colleagues" came to my hometown and had a "seminar" where he talked about how rich he was and how little taxes he paid, etc - attributing it all to this new company. Yeah, he got me. I invested several thousand dollars - about a year later, the company filed bankruptcy, leaving us poor "Representatives" to refund customers for undelivered goods and services - rumor had it that the "Higher ups" had absconded with the funds.
Imagine my surprise when, 5 years later, I saw Mr. Trudeau on TV hawking "his" Mega Memory course. Imagine my greater astonishment when 3 of the 4 "testemonials" about the product were delivered by his former Consumer Express co-owners!
I would not buy anything this man offers - ever. To my way of thinking, he still owes me a refund - and an apology.
Oh my God. I am watching an infomercial for this guy who is trying to take advantage of the not so great economy and trying to get people to buy a book saying, and I quote, "The government is hiding things from you...I should get a medal from the govermental trade commission."
As I sit here and watch this crap, I wonder how much he is paying the two BIMBOS in tight yellow and red dresses to say, "Yeah, right? I know. I have several mortgages...blah blah blah"...yeah freaking right. First of all, her bra is showing!!!!! Do those girls even understand half of the questions he is asking? Sweetheart, do you even know how a mortgage works? Does he understand the questions he is asking. I am so ashamed of people like this. Be a real American and work for your living in an honest, and true manner. Quit trying to get people to buy your crap with two hot bimbos in tight dresses bobbing their heads in agreement...you are a sad specimen of a man.
I can't believe you are claiming to be a "public service."
Cara and girl in the red dress (showing your bra) GET A LIFE.
Yours truly,
My heart goes out to you, Anonymous, scammed by a MLM pyramid scheme.
This is to his devout believers: I'm willing to consider your point of view and read what is written in the content section of the FTC website. Please advise me how I can educate myself through your eyes.
However, understand my hesitation to sign up to have items on my bill like a newsletter I never asked for/never told about (horror stories on www.infomercialscams.com…..)
Can you accept that KT's words may be a pack of lies that serve 1 purpose: put money in his pocket? The love of money is the root of all evil.
May I make a suggestion? Did you ever consider that your love may serve a higher fulfilling purpose? It’s true and it is yours for the taking. Please let me know if you have already heard the following? I believe it pertinent to the discussion at hand and pray it will be read by ears that would hear.
But your eyes and mind are set on nothing but dishonest profits. Jeremiah 22:17
Get for yourself that which is true, and do not let it go for money; Proverbs 23:23
Do not set your eyes upon that which is not! For riches make themselves wings and fly away like an eagle toward heaven, and you know not know who will gather them. Proverbs 23:5
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, "He has taken the wise in their craftiness." 1 Corinthians 3:19
I turned around, and my heart sought to know and to search out, and to seek wisdom and the scheme of things, and to know that wickedness is stupidity, and that foolishness is madness. Ecclesiastes 7:25
Proverns 14:22
Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness, kindness and truth.
>>Above passage Bible Commentary: Cunning is the talent of the weak and lazy>>
The purpose of the foolish is sin: the hater of authority is disgusting to others. Proverbs 24:9
Instead of fearing pharmaceutical companies, people in authority, air conditioners, and the voice of reason (that tiny one called your conscience that you may have stopped regarding long ago until it became barely a whisper, as consciences do when they are ignored long enough…) Listen to your inner gut.
Love God who made you to serve a purpose other than reading Kevin Trudeau's book seven (going on eight?) times.
Dive into the one book (available free and online in every version) that will bring you HEALTH, WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, AND PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING…….
Please, it is not too late. You don't need to make yourself perfect and quit every bad fault before you can go before the Lord. He wants you to come to him as you are. No quitting this and that cold-turkey so you can be acceptable in the Lord's sight. See, most people think it's how they are supposed to “get things right with God” because they feel so lost and convicted in their sin. God convicts us of our sin so we feel pain because He knows it isn’t good for us. He wants us to feel grieved in our hearts so we turn to him for help and realize that he is the ONLY one we need, now and forever!
God wants you to come to Him first...so HE can help you work on any faults that you may feel convicted by the Holy Spirit about. He doesn't want you to try to spiff yourself up and become presentable before you can humble yourself (one of the hardest things in the world, I know..)
I only speak the truth.
Go to God and let him help you become the man or woman He destined you to be.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Please, those of you touting the evil tidings from KT's misguided soul. You don't want to be caught in that. You deserve better. You know it, and God knows it. It's time get off the road to destruction and get on the path that will take you to the LIGHT :D
God bless!!!
Jessica, That was pretty cool. You ought to write a book! Seriously, you kept me from buying from that guy. THANKS
To Jessica,
You write exceptionally well!!!
You really should write a book!
All you need to know about this scam artist is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Trudeau
Why would anyone give this guy a dime after reading these things about him.
I bought the book, because I saw the infomercial. He sound great. But I will make his name bad and give tell veryone I know not to buy his book. In his book all he does is TALK. I get enough talk, I don't need any from him, so he will have a bad name....
yeah, the name below me... full of crap. ignore him.
whoops, misinterpreted the comment stream. i was appointing "edward".... ugh.
anyways, for further interest scope the link.
Yes it's true Kevin Trudeau is a master scam artist and it's just a matter of time before the law snags him once again, this time he will be put away for a long time. We have warned him once before....
I agree this dood may be a scam artist... but.. i'm on the HCG diet and it's working VERY well.. i've known quite a few people who have done it as well.. it's pretty intriquete, and one you've gone all the way thru phase 3.. gaining the weight back is less likely, go to yourhcg.com ... you can learn alot!! Thanks!!
Kevin Trudeau is the biggest scamming piece of shit on the planet. The fact that ANYONE is dumb enough to buy his shit and doesn't throw up at the site of his infomercials, is incredulous to me.
If you support this no talent scammer.....you are a fucking moron.
I read his first book about natural cures and there is not one in there! He just talks and then in the followup book he states he is a member of a "secret" society , has been to see the alians in area 51, been to most countries..blah, blah blah. I have not learned a thing and was trying to keep an open minde. Thanks KT, would like my money back for the books!
Definitely a great bullshitter.
I picked up a couple of his books for cheap at the local swap meet. He is mostly a crackpot but some ideas (maybe 5%) get you thinking. Like I'm going to read labels more but he's still a crackhead, lol.
Edward sounds like he works for Mr. Trudeau. I guess he couldn't get a gig feigning townhall outrage for the insurance corps.
I use to work for this man it is a scam to me. AND I was the one trying to get people to sign up for the website they have to pay for. wtf? everything he tells u. u already know. I met him and have a copy of two of hisbooks for free. His nose is mega long because he is a liar. I know i have not worked for him in few years but the first page of all his books keeps all of you from sueing him. And that send it back in 30 days. I will let u know now most people will not turn it back in and he knows that. He makes so much money out of ya. The info he gives we already know.
Well I can say that maybe both are wrong. People sit and wonder well is he a scam artist or is he a legitimate business booster.My answer is both, he rips people off and he helps people. If he ripped everyone off then i think he would not succeed to advertise and be on tv all the time. He targets his customers, yes the gullible ones and makes simple money from them. people he knows he can work with, he can slide deals with and proceed to keep his ethics alive.
Trudeau or Falseau?
I wonder what panagiotis' resume looks like? You see, one should really learn a little bit more about how to use the english language before they actually do so.
Sorry to go this route, but come on. Even if you are in a rush, take some time and go over what you are posting.
book's ?? Please only use ' when dealing with possession. In this case, books is plural and should be written as such.
Because someone come up with truth?
Please, how can you write that.
Should be - Because someone came up with the truth?
Where do you get your 89%? Any facts for that?
How can we take you seriously when you butcher the language like this? In short, WE CAN'T!
I was desperate and tried the hcg diet. It was pure suffering and basically a starvation diet.I quit after 3 weeks. I was hungry, tired and very cranky and just could not function. It does not work like it was suppose to. I don't know anyone who has super willpower or hates their body so much that they will starve themselves for 6 weeks.The
suggestions for a healthy diet and lifestyle are good though, but that knowledge is in so many other sources. I feel this diet is not based on sound scientific and psychology principles.For all those who say it worked for them there are a lot more for whom it did not. I would not reccomend it or his books to anyone.
Trudeau is something, I never heard of him until I bought his "Free Money 'They' Don't Want You to Know About". What a croc, his money back guarantee is great since he turns a profit just from the $30 shipping fee. I lost all respect for any of his advice when he advises readers to take cash advances on their credit cards and calls it free money!! What the #$@#@$ is he thinking, how is that free money when you will have to pay it back with outlandish interest and fees. Unbelievable.
This blog is a bit outdated, but I have to comment.
There is a simple proof that everyone ignores here. Whether Kevin is a scam artist or not, he IS a journalist. The findings in his books are NOT his, (very few are his actual work) but the findings of reputable sources throughout the world. He is merrily writing about said findings.
A little critical thinking, and a load of logic, for some of you, will help you to understand that his book has massive truths in it. What does he gain by writing a book that is continually attacked by the FDA and FTC? Nothing. A bad rep., and lots of crap from a load of organizations that want nothing more than money. We have seen this before with Ford, oil companies, etc.
Don't let posts like this one, which is sadly lacking in actual proofs, trick you into thinking that the FDA, or the government, is any less of a scam artist than Kevin is, or let this post sway you from believing the truths within Kevin's books.
I personally have practiced the findings within Kevin's books, and the books of other authors, and I have not been sick for thirteen years, save for one small cold. Many of those years I was around massive amounts of people every day because I worked at Wal-Mart as a customer service manager. If I was going to get sick, I would have.
If you want truth, do the digging yourself. Apply your mind, and disregard the arrogant, greedy fools that would mislead you into a blind trap. Each of us is responsible to find the truth, Kevin just tries to help us along.
Directly, whether or not Kevin is a scam artist or not, has nothing to do with his book. I have all his books so far, and I have NOT magically become a member of his website either.
What a duche bag. He is just like that guy Don Lapre, another worthless scam artist.
I grew up in a Christian home. I fell for Don Lapre's program. I realize now that all the SHIT that these infomercials sell is GARBAGE!
Think about it! If this stuff on these infomercials was good, would they not be at your local Wal-Mart? and not just on TV?
There is nothing at the core of the human race but garbage, don't be fooled! It took me 30 years to figure this out!
This is HILARIOUS! I am sitting here watching two blonde Playmates question this guy about his FREE MONEY Book. I'm really not interested in what his waste-of-trees book has to say, I'm just laughing so hard at the two air heads listening and interviewing him.
Each big book he holds up they either say "Wow, who wants to read all that?" or "That's a lot of pages for Me to read". It's so funny becuase they're openly showing they can't even read let alone follow a word this scam artist is saying. Boy, this guy must be a real genius to convice two blonde bimbos to buy his book.
Kevin Trudeau's next book:
How to teach a Playmate to Read. Stay Tuned.
panagiotis says: "I must say, most of the info is very true."About 89% of it."
Yeah, if Kevin Trudeau can make up facts, I CAN TOO! I say 93.565% of what's in the book is true! I'm a bigger Kevin Trudeau supporter than you!
Scam artists like Kevin Trudeau and dudes who defend him make me wish there IS a hell.
Damn! Kt must be rubbing you the right way since you guys keep jocking his nuts left and right! Get a life losers! Enough said about you since you have nothing better to do than to insult and judge someone who does not give a rats ass about you. I am talking about some real shit talking haters. I can't believe how much attention you give this guy. Get over it and move on. Im sure he is not loosing any sleep over your lame comments with all that money he is making. Right guys ?
Damn! Kt must be rubbing you the right way since you guys keep jocking his nuts left and right! Get a life losers! Enough said about you since you have nothing better to do than to insult and judge someone who does not give a rats ass about you. I am talking about some real shit talking haters. I can't believe how much attention you give this guy. Get over it and move on. Im sure he is not loosing any sleep over your lame comments with all that money he is making. Right guys ?
Damn! Kt must be rubbing you the right way since you guys keep jocking his nuts left and right! Get a life losers! Enough said about you since you have nothing better to do than to insult and judge someone who does not give a rats ass about you. I am talking about some real shit talking haters. I can't believe how much attention you give this guy. Get over it and move on. Im sure he is not loosing any sleep over your lame comments with all that money he is making. Right guys ?
There will always be morons that know nothing about critcal thinking. They are the sheep that will be fleeced by the Kevin Trudeaus of the world. And, if you try to help these people by pulling the blinders off the scams, they will many times turn on you. They want to believe in majic and it's difficult to educate them otherwise. So, why bother?
ok this Guy is a fraud. I read his books anfd listen too him too.Then I found a lawsuit against him So I sold all his material on ebay and now I go with Dave Ramsey He believes in God and was at rock bottom twice So I trust him. Go With Dave Ramsey Forget this kevin non trust worthy
you people have no ideas what u r talking bout, you are sick, sickness is money syndrom, everytime somebody wants money from you - you get it as a scam, and then you go to public toilet and pay for your own shit. thats ironic and i regret that kind of "wise" people are livin...
just learn about yourself, about chakras,kundalini, and that you are in 99,99 % empty space... (99.99 %empty space in atoms)because everything is energy that you can influence UP-ON
ok when me and my friend watched the first few seconds of the new infomercial, we laughed our asses off. nobody should believe this dumbass!!!!! hes on pot i swear!!!!! yeah, nobody in the world would believe a guy who says if you change the frequency of your brain the universe will comply. thats fucked up. how has this guy not gotten killed yet?! how do people believe this pathetic loser. of course in his infomercial he has to use the self-conciousness tactic, callin evry1 who doesnt buy his product a loser. you know, i recall a few terrible infomercials, and now i am pretty sure they were hosted by him, now that i think about it. okay, people, he is scamming you. i dont want to offend people who think kindly of him, but if you already gave him a bunch of personal information, get out of there quick!!!!! you will be left with nothing. and when he says he gained, "virtually" a billion dollars, i dont get it! what, did he put it on a cmd file:
@echo off
echo you have 1000000000 dollars
yay i hav a tonna $!!!!!
I have never wanted to punch someone in the nose as much as this scum bag. Aside from the obvious non information in his books, detailing nothing, he is just a money grabing Bast*rd scam artist. When he always would say that with the drug companies "it's all about the money" Yeah, he's upset he can't get his hands on some of it, what a crooked Pr*k. It's all about the money for Keven Turdoo, He's a Co*ksu*ker too and a thief. I can't turn the channel fast enough to suit me when his kisser shows up, I don't want to here his Bu**sh*t anymore. Anyway, go and Sc*w yourself in your own Bu*T Keven Turdoo.
This guy is an ahole but oh well anyway Check this out there is ways to get money form the government but it's a pocess and it really cool about How american are owned by bankers and we all have a bond on us and it collcts interest? Freaky huh well check it out. Google http://www.redemptionservice.com/contents/packages.asp YOu dont have to buy any materials Just watch eveything on youtube. This guy is as bad as donald trump//\\@//\\
I have read his first, and second book. It all makes since to me. If he is a scam artist than at least the procucts he advocates are usefull and healty. I started doing the things he says in his books even before I compleated the first book. I haven't even had back pain since. No colds, no flu, nothing, and even my depression went away. It was also very, very easy.
ps: sorry for the typos. I know im a terribly speller.
What he says isn't too far from wrong. Even mainstream scientist are saying that vegetables aren't as healthy as they used to be because of crap that's put in it. I say what he has to say is factual, but you don't have to rely on just him. Maybe try some other authors or even biologists, you will find that his story coincides with others. The thing is you don't need to just buy Trudeau's stuff, try going to a library and picking up other books similar topics.
Personally I feel that a person who believes that the people who make our food aren't poisoning us is in denial.
Watch 'Food Inc.' most of our food is cheap fillers and chemicals. Why do you people think that children are starting to hit puberty at younger ages; maybe 13 is natural age but children are starting to develop at 8.
Research regarding the food we eat has been around since the 1920's grows some brains, pick up more than one book and think about what both sides have to say. It's obvious which research is factual and which research is purchased.
There's a sucker born every minute. I can't believe how stupid people can be. I know someone who is totally convinced that Trudeau is working with secret societies. SECRET SOCIETIES STAY SECRET!!! In the case of my friend, I can see she's desperate and feels hollow and his "techniques" are giving her hope. All she has to do is keep paying $150/month. Sad.
If you believe his bullshit, go ahead and throw away your money. The facts speak for themselves with respect to this lowlife cocksucker, he will get his, trust me.
And guess what, his bullshit natural cures wont help him
Hey Eddie...you must be cracked up....there is nothing to read in keven Blowhard Turdoodoo's books wrote by an idiot............Nothinggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dahhhoyee
I think that Edward is Kevin.
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